He sings “Chasing Cars” to me when I can’t fall asleep. I’m the first person he ever sang to. For some reason, after I hear him sing, I ‘m filled with calmness then I drift into a peaceful slumber. This song meant so much for us because it is about making things happen on your own, not leaving everything to fate. Chris and I know we have each other and we are dying to be together.
He has so much love to give and I’m so happy that I have all of it. No conditions and definitely no reservations. I know he loves me with all his heart, he does everything he can to make me feel that I’m special in his life.
He’s my sunshine, he brightens up my day no matter how gloomy it is sometimes. I love being with him and being around him. I just love the way he loves me. He saw something in me that nobody else tried to see. He makes me want to love him without holding back and most importantly, he lets me be myself and he loves me for who I really am. Where can you find a guy who doesn’t tell you that you’re fat and you need to lose weight? It’s like finding Kryptonite! I’ve never felt so beautiful in my entire life and for once, I stopped caring about what other people think about me.
He’s been very patient with me, I can be a pain in the ass sometimes but he sticks with me and we never go to bed without settling our misunderstandings or conflicts. I like the way he handles me, he handles me perfectly. I love being with him because he brings out the child in me, he lets me get too excited and giddy about silly things and the best part is he tolerates me when I’m upset over silly things lol. He gives in to my silly requests and addictions (chocolates, ice cream, cheetos, make up, scents, etc.) all the time, when I say all the time, I literally mean all the time! He justs loves me so much I guess. He likes it when I get excited about things and he loves it when I’m happy. We’re always happy being together.
I’m one of those few lucky people to have found True Love. I know in my heart that Chris and I are made for each other. I loved him even before I knew him, somewhere in my heart I know he exists. He fills up the void that has been clinging to my heart for so long. I found refuge in him, I feel safe with him, he’s my home, and I belong to him. I’m lucky to be in a relationship where trust is freely given, where being there for each other doesn’t require to be an obligation and where love is constantly present. We do things for each other because we want to make each other happy other than we love each other so much. Loving somebody entails huge sacrifices because it sometimes means that you give up your own dreams to be with him. Before I met Chris, my dream would always be about my career, I would really like to make it big someday but everything changed and it amazes me. Now all I dream about is building a family with him, taking care of him and our children and making him happy and content. Every step that I take leads me to him and every breath that I take is for him. I found deeper meaning in my life because of Chris, I want to live my life for him.
I love Chris so much and making sacrifices never felt heavy for me. I do everything effortlessly because I’d be lost without him, I don’t know how I’d be able to go through life thinking he’s not there. I want to be with him and I want to spend the rest of my days with him. I want to build my dreams with him and at the same time, I wish I can help him make his dreams come true. I want to be there on his every ups and downs, every failure, every mistake, every battle and every triumph that he makes. I want him to run to me when he’s happy, all the more when he’s weary or broken apart. I wanna be there for him when he smiles or when he cries. I wanna be everything that he needs.
He brings out the best in me and he makes me want to become a better person, he makes me want to be so good all the time. He brought out this side of me which I didn’t think ever existed. He brought out all these emotions that I’ve been holding on for so long. I never thought I can be sweet to anybody as much as I can be with him.
We have our moments where we misunderstand and unconsciously hurt each other but at the end of the day, we forgive and we move on and we end up loving each other more. There are times when he would make me cry really bad. Every single time that I cry to him, I pour my heart out and I lay my soul unto him hoping that I’ll feel better in a minute. It breaks his heart when he knows he’s hurt me, it kills him to hear me cry as much as it would when I hear him break into tears. It would stab my heart knowing that I make him scared of losing me. I never want him to feel that way. It makes me weak every time I hear him cry, I just feel so helpless when I hurt him because I know he doesn’t deserve it. I would tell him that I can take all the pain and I’d rather hurt all by myself than share even a small amount of pain with him because I know he has such a pure heart. He’s never known the pain that scarred my heart and I’m worried about getting his heart broken in any circumstance. If I can take all the hurt just to protect him, I would.
I always wanted him to know that he is a BEAUTIFUL person and he is a hundred times beautiful in the inside. I love his face, his smile, his dimples, his perfect nose, his beard (I like him scruffy! It’s nobody elses business but mine ok!), his oh so yummy complexion and his blue eyes but what I love most about him is his HEART which he gave to me selflessly. I’m happy that I made him realize what he really is. He’s handsome and there’s so much more that he can be. I love him for who he is and I love him for who he wants to be.
Finding somebody special who loves you in return is truly a blessing and I’m lucky to have found this kind of love in this selfish and cruel world. He is the person I’ve been dreaming about, he is the person I’ve been praying for all this time. He is God’s answer to my prayers. He's wonderful and there’s nothing I want more than be with him and make him happy.
I want to share this because just like anybody else, I thought there was no HOPE for me to find TRUE LOVE but I DID which means you can find yours too... in God's perfect time. Just hang in there and don't stop believing!
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