I was flipping through a magazine's pages one lazy Sunday Afternoon and I stumbled upon this article about some questions to ask yourself if you are with a man that gives you that "Happily Ever After" feeling. I know I know I know! Love skeptics are raising their eyebrows right at this second. I know there's no such thing as "happily ever after" and that only happened to Cinderella and Aurora BUT that term means something else to me. In the real world, the term "happily ever after" simply means that you have found that one person who loves and accepts you with no conditions. When you finally meet that right person, you lose that "it-only-happens-in-the-movies" itch and you start believing that LOVE can really happen to you. How will you know that the man you are with right now is for keeps?
Everytime You and Him Argue, Do You Get Scared that You’re Headed to Splitsville?
My answer is NO. I just don't see the point in staying in a relationship where you don't feel secure. If small arguments can break you, can you imagine how the two of you will deal with a huge problem? All couples fight, it's perfectly normal to have disagreements here and there but only strong twosomes are able to see through the real issues and try to duke it out. A lot of people make the mistake of not bringing up important issues because they fear that it'll damage the relationship. Do you know why they avoid that? It is because they don't trust that their union is solid that it can withstand conflicts.
You two need to sit down and talk about what's bothering you or him without having to yell at each other and without having to prove who's right or wrong. Every single time that Chris and I disagree on things, that's the time that I get to know him better and it makes me realize what our foundation is made of. The key in here is listening to your partner and being sensitive to his needs.
Don't be scared in talking about serious matters because if your bond is truly made of something else, nothing can ever break you. I did not say raise hell all the time just to test the waters. Girls are guilty of that! We always test our partners and see how they would react given some situations. Do not do that!
Just remember that you and your man are not supposed to be afraid to tackle tough topics, it only shows that you know what you both have and you know how strong your relationship is. I'm lucky to be with an intelligent and logical man that is more than willing to listen and at the same time talk to me about the most crucial things in our relationship.
Can You Tell Him your SECRETS without the Fear of being Judged?
I know it's hard to forget everything and sometimes things keep on haunting you but if you want the relationship to work, you have to accept each other's past and hope that everything will be better in the future.
Yeah everyone has sordid life secrets and we want to keep them as much as possible but if you have the guts to reveal everything to your man without fearing that he will judge you then girl I'm telling you, you've got a great man!!!
Divulging your most intimate information to your man only proves that you trust him and you know that he loves you enough that he will see through everything.
Do You Get Goofy Around Each Other?

Do we get goofy around each other? Hell yeah! We're the goofiest people when we're around each other. Yeah I know for some people that's not sexy! Unless you can show your man your "morning face" and your goofy side, you can never claim that you are comfortable with him.
Don't be scared to release your goofy side, trust me it's so liberating!!! We call each other dork and we laugh every single time somebody lets out stinky gas (yeah that's gross hahaha!). I can even eat a gallon of ice cream in front of him and it will be ok!
When a couple are silly together, it means that they aren't terrified to let their guards down and expose their childlike sides. It's fun being goofy with my boyfriend, I enjoy every minute that I spend with him. I did not say though that we're hilarious all the time, when we know that we have to talk about serious matters, we really sit down and talk (and I always cry haha!).
Humor is how we keep things light and take off pressures from our individual day to day activities. But if it's not in your personality to be goofy then you don't have to force it. Some people are really quiet and they are comfortable with it but humor is what adds fun to the relationship. As they always say, the couple who laugh together, stay together!
Does He Make You Feel Beautiful All the Time?

I may have done something good in my life because I met Chris. Where can you find a dude who will never tell you that you're fat? I love our relationship and it brings out the best in me and at the same time I still want to be better. If your guy only wants you because of what he sees, you've got a serious problem in here. No relationship will last based on outer beauty. Beauty fades with time and it makes you think, years from now, will he still look at me like I have the most beautiful face in the planet? If he tells you that you are not allowed to gain weight then you better think. Do not ignore telltale signs of him being a total insensitive jerk.
My man always tells me and makes me feel that I am pretty. He even likes me better when I'm not wearing any makeup. He has seen my worst and he is still in love with me! He loves me for who I am and the best part is he can see right through me. He knows and he loves my heart and that's the way it should be.
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